What Is a Token Contract Address?
As a newbie to crypto, you may confuse about: "What is a token contract address?", " What are the application of a token's contract address?", and "where can I find the token contract address?". In this article, we will try to explain these questions. What Is a Token Contract? As a matter of fact, a token contract is a smart contract mapping account addresses and balances. The balance value is defined by the contract creators. The balances of one token contract can be stood for physical objects, currency value, even the holder's reputation. In general, we called the unit of this balance a "token". If tokens are transferred from one account to another, the balance of the two accounts will be updated. For example, a transfer of 10 tokens from 0x3597…96b7 to 0x1b89…3436, the balance will be updated as follow: There are two ways to change the token total supply, one is to mint new tokens to increase the supply. For example, minting 100 toke...